Monday, January 11, 2010

is it MCT

Ajitesh Kumar Hi,

A 13 yr old intact male boxer had wound on the did not heal with regular dressing and antibiotic therapy i.e ceftriaxone @20mg/kg bd for 10 day actually no improvement. then another wound appeared over the shoulder. how to proceed?

Sat at 23:18 ·
Saurabh Saxena
Saurabh Saxena
for chronic wound ,use oxoferin drops (2 drops ) topically and regular dressing without using anythg else.for another wound check for drainage tract(fistula) b/w two wounds and clean using same procedure as aove.
Yesterday at 10:44 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
Swarupmay Majumdar
this is a case of recuurent abcess, continue ur antibiotics for many more days. dress twice a day. allow drainage. use something that will not allow the pet to self mutilate itself. use amoxyclav tid for 7 days with probiotics. you will get better result.
Yesterday at 10:50 · 
DrKumar Ravi
DrKumar Ravi
hi i think you should debried the wound n then go for the normal dressing n you should try oint placentrex for dressing. n change antibiotic to augmentin 375 mg bid with some enzymatic preparation like chymoral forte twice a day. best of you . lage raho
Yesterday at 10:56 · Report
Gautam Unny
Gautam Unny
stop all medications,clean the wound with saline and hydrogen peroxide for a few days, after a gap of 5 days take a culture and then debride the wound and start medications. cultures are very important aspects of todays treatment esp with drug resistant bacteria on the prowl.
Yesterday at 11:56 · Report
Ajitesh Kumar
Ajitesh Kumar
can it be mast cell tumor?
Yesterday at 13:45 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
Swarupmay Majumdar
do a biopsy, rule it out. but why not do something obviously needed immediately?
Yesterday at 13:48 · 
Swarupmay Majumdar
Swarupmay Majumdar
Some informations on MCT:
1avg age for mastcells: 8-9yrs
2 mast cell tumors are found in or under the skin on the trunk of the body itself, and the vast majority of the remainder are found on the extremities, especially the hind limbs. They are less commonly found on the head and neck, and less commonly still arise from tissues other than the skin. If they are very swollen or ulcerated, there may be pain, but most MCTs are unlikely to be painful
3."Dariers sign"-swelling, redness, itchiness, hives (wheal formation).
4 Responses to chemotherapy are minimal in cases of MCT. surgical excision must... See More
5.regrow:Dogs who have had mast cell tumors are more likely to develop more mast cell tumors. 50% of surgically removed mast cell tumors will re-grow in the same area.
6.Mast cell tumors in cats frequently are benign in nature
Yesterday at 14:00 · 
Ajitesh Kumar
Ajitesh Kumar
i think before going for surgical excision and chemotherapy i will try cleaning the wound with NS and hydrogen peroxide and then AST. . THANKS DR UNNY.
Yesterday at 14:47 · Report
Ajitesh Kumar
Ajitesh Kumar
Yesterday at 14:47 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
Swarupmay Majumdar
do the fine needle aspiration and see it. if u feel its a MCT confirm and get it graded by pathological lab
Yesterday at 15:35 ·

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