Swarupmay Majumdar Boxer, Male, 4 yrs. H/ O- regular skin problems, been treated by many vets with antibiotics and steroids. relapses aftre innitial improvements, fustrated owner wants something to be done.
P/E finding : generalized &symetrical areas of alopecia & epidermal collarette. nodules all over dorasum, greasiness, typical smell,... halitosis, weight loss over 1 month, trebling on standing, interdigital ulcerated wound. on predinolone, bayrocin. food: on beef ,rice, eggs, biscuits,milk.
how to go ahead, what an all to think, shall do blood work ,urine tests, any suggestions please.
See More26 December at 13:04 Saurabh Saxena
this is wat i wud do-a hot warm bath with petben shampoo for atleast 20 minutes followed by amitraz dip.dental cleaning and appl. of silverex cream on open wound.stop predni and beef.
26 December at 18:25 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
ok, good. But I would like you to go more deep, why is it coming again and again. can it be anything related to diabetes? food allergy? what else....
26 December at 18:27 ·
Saurabh Saxena
doc ,ur principle -keep things simple...follow the bath atleast 2 times in week for a month.notice the progress
26 December at 18:33 ·
Sivashankar Ramakrishnan
Majum Thyrid Check Kiya Kya?
Sun at 13:35 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
I am going to do that.
Mon at 13:16 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
Actully I did not think abt thyroid, as he was loosing wt. I just put him on fatty acids, bayrocin, no steroids,kidspro food, and rantac. discussed with owner about food related allergy and advised them avoid the list of food and if possible change to Hypoallergenic from RC. Dog is better. yesterday I just tried on him Levamisole just to see whether it improves its immunity!!
Mon at 13:39 ·
Gautam Unny
try tinocordin (immumod) for immunity stimulation, its very good and effective. i have always wondered why vets ever use steroids on the skin, unless really needed. its the simplest way to disaster. would like the dog on griseofulvin 50mg/kg/day for 21 days with fat in the diet.
Mon at 18:33 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
I had stopped using unnecessary steroids long back in the college days and been laughed at. I will try immumod. Is it a syp or tablet or injection? dose ?
Mon at 20:24 ·
Gautam Unny
Immumod is available as a tab nd syrup. I dont know the exact dose as its not there in any text. I use 100mg for 10 kg dog. available as a 100 nd 500 mg tab
Mon at 20:25 ·
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