Swarupmay Majumdar I am treating many cases of Epilepsy. Recently KBR is available in Bangalore in tablet form for dogs. It is giving good result.
18 December at 19:50 ·Gautam Unny
whats the tradename doc? i have not found it here
19 December at 09:34 · Report
Kumar Vikas
Are you using of chemical origin, what protocol you are following
19 December at 15:39 ·
Kumar Vikas
Detail article avaible on epilepsy at http://www.ivis.org/advanc es/Vite/berendt/chapter_fr m.asp?LA=1 this may be help ful review
19 December at 15:48 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
there is company called progeny in bangalore ( pharma corporation of India) makes this generic medicine without any trade names. it comes in 60 tablets bottle. cost around 175 rupees.
Actually KBr is the oldest drug in epilepsy but not used in human beings. It is the drug of choice for dogs for long run. I have an article on this.
http://www.whereincity.com /medical/topic/brain-healt h/articles/758.htm
Actually KBr is the oldest drug in epilepsy but not used in human beings. It is the drug of choice for dogs for long run. I have an article on this.
19 December at 16:27 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
actually I had been treating a GSD M 2 yrs old with epilepsy. Its full blood data was normal. I put him on regualr Known therapy of gardenal 45mg bid with Ventriliv, provicalpet.
for sometimes he was finding vey difficult to manage the fits and we increased the dose to 60 mg bid. he was also on homeopathic medicine Verbena Mt, R33 and rescue remedy. Nothing worked still KBr was in . 300mg KBr tablets bid with 30mg gardenal bid. its takes some time ... 3 months atleast to reach steady KBr level. dog has no fits now but he finds difficult walking and lots of itching. Some how it was briught from the euthenesia table with KBr.
Need more disscussion on
1. KBr Vs NBr... See More
2. home care when dog is in fits
3.managing fits in clinic.
5. why these pets are best pets
6.rescu remedy and how it can help
for sometimes he was finding vey difficult to manage the fits and we increased the dose to 60 mg bid. he was also on homeopathic medicine Verbena Mt, R33 and rescue remedy. Nothing worked still KBr was in . 300mg KBr tablets bid with 30mg gardenal bid. its takes some time ... 3 months atleast to reach steady KBr level. dog has no fits now but he finds difficult walking and lots of itching. Some how it was briught from the euthenesia table with KBr.
Need more disscussion on
1. KBr Vs NBr... See More
2. home care when dog is in fits
3.managing fits in clinic.
5. why these pets are best pets
6.rescu remedy and how it can help
19 December at 16:35 ·
Kumar Vikas
As suggested by Dr Dinesh Dadarwal there is good article on epilesy at http://neuro.vetmed.ufl.ed u/Neuro/courses/vem5384/VE M5384-lecture-4-seizure-ce rebral.pdf
Sun at 09:02 ·
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