Tuesday, September 03, 2013

a case of pyometra

Swarupmay Majumdar 11yrs old female indian dog, off feed 2 days, passing blood suddenly in moderate quantity with urine and thats what the panic filled owner tells me over phone. No history of getting crossed as far as they know and the dog is housed inside all the time.
I reached them 1.5 hr after the call as they stay in Electronic city..., 20kms away from my clininc. As I reach their house,I am welcomed with a puppy that was struck near the pelvis, it came out easily with a gentle pulling.
Vaginal Exam: Cx: dilated completely, no pups can be felt on passage,straining are faint but dog is active, t-100*f her belly enlarged hugely and abdominal palpations is fruitless,I could make out nothing. it was late at night, I cant afford an X-ray here for dogs, I tried in nearby medical stores to get Calcium sandoz or oxytocin, I failed to get them. I used 25% Dextrose IV 200 ml. and just came back as I found there's no risk and they can wait .

See more23 January at 10:44 · · · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
Swarupmay Majumdar
Mornig the owner informs me ,there is no changes in her. the owner is also telling she is fine and as of now no strainig.
Morning I decided to ref the case to Vet college for Scanning / X-ray. & c-sec with panhysetrectomy.

expect Comments on managing such a case, how long one can wait between two pups, and from the last pup, can we give oxytocin bolus or mix in D25...
23 January at 10:44 ·
Gautam Unny
Gautam Unny
you need to get a local x ray unit to help you. almost all vets use local human hospitals for x rays.
the gap between two pups must not exceed three hours.
oxytocin can be mixed in 25D
you also need to tie up with a local vet surgeon for surgery cases. in practice you cannot afford to let any case get away. so this case even on a 50:50 cash sharing basis with another vet could have got you a lot of cash, then the dressings. so find a vet fast.
23 January at 11:14 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
Swarupmay Majumdar
hum,good advice;but thedistance was huge

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