Tuesday, September 03, 2013

kennel cough ..best ways to tackle

most vetz prefer treating kennel cough with tetracycline or amoxy.clav with tapering dose prednisolone. i also vetz saying this is the best treatment .need ur thoughts...

  • Gautam Unny i prefer azithromycin or roxithromycin with a cough syrup nd steroids only in occasional cases. recently ( last 6 months ive had gr8 success with no antibiotics or oral medication nd only a nebuliser, maybe the cough syrup for instant relief.
  • Premal Darji amoxicillin + predni one day only with acute symptoms..thn i maitain on cough syrup or home made honey + haldi preparation 4 times a day..

    its said tht evn if u dont do nething there wud b symptamatic recovery in 5 days...but who wants to take chances..
  • Nima Rahmani I normally use a shot of Dexa plus Doxycycline and Linctol which is a cough suppressantayrup that contains ephedrine and dextromethorphan .U r gonnamake sure that they dont have a heart problem though,as in KC clients normally tak about a hacking cough as if something is stuck in their dogs throat and started about few days ago...
  • Gopal Krishna @ dr. gautam, sir ! azithro contraindicated in dogs, isn"t????
  • Saurabh Saxena @dr gopal krishna-sourced from internet

    following oral administration, azithromycin is rapidly absorbed and widely distributed throughout the body. Azithromycin's bioavailability is 97% in dogs, 58% in cats, and its protein binding is 7-51%, depending on the plasma concentration.
    Rapid distribution of azithromycin into tissues results in significantly higher azithromycin levels in tissues than in plasma. The half-life of azithromycin is long. The tissue half-life in dogs may be up to 90 hours. In cats tissue the half-life is 13 to 72 hours, depending on the tissue. Azithromycin undergoes some hepatic metabolism but the majority of an administered dose is excreted unchanged in bile.
    Azithromycin is a prescription drug and can only be obtained from a veterinarian or by prescription from a veterinarian.
    This drug is not approved for use in animals by the Food and Drug Administration but it is prescribed legally by veterinarians as an extra-label drug.


    Azithromycin has been used successfully in dogs to treat Babesia Gibsoni (Asian genotype). Babesia is a haemotropic protozoal parasite that is transmitted by ticks. When treating Babesia Gibsoni, azithromycin usually is combined with atovaquone.

    Azithromycin in combination with other drugs has been suggested as a treatment for systemic non-tubercular mycobacterial disease of dogs and cats. M. avium and M. fortuitum are the most-common cause of systemic mycobacterial-infection in companion animals. These infections frequently are resistant to traditional anti-tubercular medications such as isoniazid and ethambutol. Systemic infection with M. avium is particularly difficult to treat and carries a poor prognosis. Basset Hounds and Siamese cats may have increased susceptibility to these infections.
  • Gopal Krishna thanks doc!!!!
    i ws heard frm sum old vet, never use it! thanx anyways>>>>
  • Swarupmay Majumdar commendable data from SS.
  • Prasad Durappanavar so tissue half life is more than 90hours. Sholud b used at what interval. Cn it b used dayly once or altarnte day or once in three to four dzys.

    Gutham sir in practice how ur using the both drugs dose and shcedule.
  • Gautam Unny azithromycin@ 10mg/kg /day. ive used it all my practice life, its a wonderful drug. very safe.
    @SS, i didnt know abt all what u wrote, i just knew it works!!
  • Rajshankar Tony Sarma Not convinced about the pred bit... Immunosuppressive potential when you have an active infection?? Personally would use NSAID for anti-inflammatory effects. Antibiosis as cover is technically not required, but I think most vets use it - I'd choose tet...See More
  • Charlotte Milazzo i like clavamox to prevent other nasty secondary infections but most of the time i just wait for it to go away....

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