Swarupmay Majumdar hi, An Indian male cat 9 months old, brought to clinic with H/O missing for 10 days, lossed body weight tremendously,not able to walk arround and not having his usual food " wiskas gelly". His vaccinations are upto date,dewroming aswell. The cat was smelling like being dipped in petrol tank, there were mobil/greese mar...ks on him and lots of sand on skin. he is severly dehydrated, T-100.3*f, mm very pale and anaemic. Blood collected and sent for lab testing.waiting for reports. TDX: Hepatic Lipidosis due to Fasting!, Infectious Feline Peritonitis, renal failure. TX given: Rantac> catosol>bayrocin 1 shot> IV fliud thoughout day given 300 ml. outcome by eveing: cat is able to move around and active.
See more19 January at 12:27 · · · · ReportAjitesh Kumar
wt is hepatic lipidosis
19 January at 16:02 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
Liver is the largest store place for glucose. when an animals sick or deprived of food, liver gradually loss its stored glucose. the place is then occupied by lipid. in this conditions we call it as hepatic lipidosis. the cat could have been caught inside a car for days!!
19 January at 16:50 ·
Ramesh Hebballi
Presence of grees on coat may be low intensity lead poisoning!
20 January at 07:12 · Report
Ajitesh Kumar
great dr majumdar
20 January at 17:36 · Report
Mahalingam Muralithas
Dr.Majumdar, As I told you regarding that Anabolic steroid.
3 months, GS, male pup had Babesiosis and treated with Beranil, now this pup having IMHA and undergoing Prednisolone and other supportive treatment.
bone marrow still responsive ad pup is still anemic. is it possible to give anabolic steroid(Nandralone) at this stage? what are the side effect, if we give at this age?
3 months, GS, male pup had Babesiosis and treated with Beranil, now this pup having IMHA and undergoing Prednisolone and other supportive treatment.
bone marrow still responsive ad pup is still anemic. is it possible to give anabolic steroid(Nandralone) at this stage? what are the side effect, if we give at this age?
20 January at 21:15 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
@ramesh : can u tell more about it " lead poisoning"
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