Dhanan Jaya Rao Our clinics are in NO way inferior to the American clinics. Except for the manpower-reception (2 or 3) & Techs etc., Almost every clinic has x-ray machine- one had digital.
Dental unit is common in all the clinics indicating more awareness amongst clients. Surgeries-spaying, castration very common apart from others lik...e small tumors, management of wounds, fractures- all done by one clinician only- common to have more than one vet in the clinic-partnership practice. Some have ICU units... to be contd.
You and Neelam Singh Josan like this.
Swarupmay Majumdar
24 January at 19:59 ·
Swarupmay Majumdar
sir,I need to transfuse blood in a dog, where can I get the blood bags? the local Blood bank refuse to supply any bags to me.
27 January at 18:48 ·
Dhanan Jaya Rao
Due HIV problem -restrictions on blood bags- unless u know someone in a blood bank its not possible or go through some NGO (animal or human) they wil manage to get one
28 January at 08:56 · Report
Swarupmay Majumdar
there are many vets want to learn about Blood transfusion in dogs and cats. can u write us in nutshell some importants facts.thanks sir
29 January at 19:01 ·
Dhanan Jaya Rao
yes definitely for our SAVIN- from monday, ok-am out of station now
30 January at 05:21 · Report
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