Viju Vijayan male dog age 6 years presented with genaralised lymphadenopathy. anorexia and cough. condition seen since 2 months. haemogram neutrophilia , hb- 10.2, lymphocytosis
ultrasound - spleenic mass. chest x ray- cardiomegaly. lymph node aspirate biopsy- large no of immature lymphocytes with increased nucleus cytoplasmic ratio.... increased no of immature lymphocytes.bone marrow biopsy-failed to gat a result.owner not willing for second attempt
condition diagnosed as multicentric lymphosarcoma stage 4
started university of wisconsin madison treatment protocol after stabilising the blood counts.
condition improved remarkably. during the 4th week of treatment sudden drop of hb.
imferon administered. showed improvement. delayed the chemotherapy.but again fall in hb to 5.5. decided to do blood transfusion. did bld transfusion.
unfortunately animal died 4 days after.
owner refused necropsy
Swarupmay Majumdar
such a nice case, can you elaborate on the chemotherapy protocol please. I read about a case of Hemangiosarcoma of spleenic origin which got blasted inside abdomen and dog died in DR Banga's " a case a week ". Innitially I was thinking about Babesiosis. DrViju, can you also write a little bit about you, your practice and anything that may help everyone.
15 February at 12:11 ·
Muthuswamy Anantharaman
17 February at 21:43 · Report
Viju Vijayan
05 March at 19:53 ·
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go v/pmc/articles/PMC1950108/ table/t2-cvj48pg977/ heres the chemotherapy can modify ie add or change drugs based on response....this is a modified form we followed
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